Tuesday 8 December 2009

Shanice Collins pitch:
Games at night.
  • A teenage girl has a sleepover at her house with four friends.
  • They all decide to play the Ouija board as a bit of fun.
  • The bad spirits start talking to them- sending messages of death and murder.
  • They say goodbye and stop playing the game, dismissing it as nonsense.
  • They invite some friends over and start drinking and having a good time.
  • One of the girls decides to go downstairs to get some more drink. As she tries to go back upstairs she sees something in the mirror behind her.
  • The girls upstairs notice her missing from the party and one of them volunteers to go and get her.
  • She finds the body.
  • They then spend the rest of the night trying to survive this group of demons that are passing through their house.
  • One by one they start to die off with the demon continuously appearing then disappearing.
  • The girl who's house it is survives the night to tell her parents of the demons.
  • When her parents return she tells them of her horror and what happened through the night.
  • The police are called and when they analyse the body they decide that she killed the girls, as they were killed by knife and hitting of her body. (Head and face).
  • She is arrested and her parents are left in the house alone through the night.
  • They are also killed, but not by her as she was in prison. The police don't believe this mystery killing was a demon and pass it off as a mass murder, by someone else.

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