Thursday 26 November 2009

Codes and Conventions

Horror films are said be the focus of the dark side of life and to bring out people's fears and nightmares, alienate us and make us vulnerable inside. This involves peoples fear of death and dismemberment, loss of identity or fear of sexuality. Horror films can often attract and repel the audience at the same time.To do this different sub-genres can also be put together with the genre horror such as; Fantasy, supernatural or science fiction.

The frighten and panic causes the audience both dread and alarm and invokes our fears usually with a shocking finale, also captivating and entertaining us at the same time in a cathartic experience. Horror films are often combined with science fiction when the menace or monster is related to a corruption of technology, or when earth is threatened by aliens. The fact that horror films have made it so successfully even left the genre with different names they are also known as; Chillers, Scary Movies, Spook fests, and the Macabre.
Horror films can also often be combined with other sub genres such as science fiction which is usually a scientific visionary,comic strip like,with imaginative settings with the use of gadgets and advanced technology. Special effects are also at important use when combining the two together.
The supernatural sub genre used with horror is usually the more spiritual side to the films which includes ghosts,miracles, gods and goddesses and other similar ideas extraordinary phenomena.
Fantasy is also another sub genre put together with horror films. However unlike science fiction films that base some of their content on the bases of scientific truth, fantasy takes you to more of a fairytale place where events are unlikely to occur in real life.

Top 50 Horror Movies of all time.

1. Psycho (1960)

2. Alien (1979)

3. The shining (1980)

4. Aliens (1986)

5. Diaboliques,les (1955)

6. Faust (1926)

7. Jaws (1975)

8.Planet Terror (2007)

9. Cabinet des Dr.Caligari,das (1920)

10. Grindhouse(2007)

11. The night of the hunter (1955)

12. Bride of Frankenstein (1935)

13. Nosferatu,eine symphonie des Grauens (1922)

14. Testement des Dr. Mabuse, das (1933)

15. spoorloos (1988)

16. Frankenstein(1931)

17. Jungfrukallan (1960)

18. King kong (1933)

19. Dead of night (1945)

20. The thing (1982)

21. Onibaba (1964)

22. The innocents (1961)

23. The exorcist (1973)

24. Invasion of the body snatchers (1956)

25. Dead man's shoes (2004)

26. Rosmary's baby (1968)

27. Kaidan (1964)

28. Repulsion (1965)

29. Shaun of the dead (2004)

30. The invisible man (1933)

31. Night of the living dead (1968)

32. The unknown (1927)

33. Yeux sans visage, les (1960)

34. Dawn of the dead (1978

35. What ever happened to Mary Jane?(1962)

36. The birds (1963)

37. Halloween (1978)

38. The haunting (1963)

39. Peeping Tom (1960)

40. The holy mountain (1973)

41. my name is Bruce (2007)

42. Survie style 5+ (2004)

43. Vargtimmen (1968)

44. Evil dead 2 (1987)

45. Profondo rosso (1975)

46. Abre los ojos (1997)

47. The hound of the Baskervilles (1939)

48.The phantom of the opera (1925)

49. Freaks (1932)

50. Dracula (1958)

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