Thursday 26 November 2009

Review on the continuity clip

The storyline to this piece was a simple storyline to show that we could film different types of shots from different angles, also by doing this we could show that we know how to use a camcorder. The types of shots that we recorded were:

  • Match on Action
  • Shot Reverse Shot
  • 180 degree Rule.

The storyline was about a boy meeting up with a girl and giving her a gift which was a rose. The expression and body language of the boy and girl were both shown using medium close up shot, close up, and long shot. My partner and i also filmed the boy walking away at a distance from the camera at the end.

We thoroughly enjoyed filming this clip as we had learnt how to use the camcorder in a way that will be relevant to us and our work. However we did not have the smoothest run through when filming this clip as we had a couple of set backs. The first mistake we had made was when we had filmed half of the clip in one lesson then the other half in the next lesson. When we went to film the second half of the clip we had accidentally left a long 2 minute pause inbetween the first and second clip. Because of this we had to delete the second half of the clip and re-film it at the appropriate part of the tape. The second difficulty that we had come across was that we had not filmed our Match on Action clearly so we had to re-film that part as well.When we had done that we had successfully finished filming our continuity piece.

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